Tonight was closing night for Tomás and the Library Lady. It's always a little bittersweet to close a show, especially one as heartwarming as Tomás.
During the talkbacks that followed every show, our actors asked the audience if any of them spoke other langauges than English at home, or if they had close friends or family that spoke other languages. The responses were pretty amazing. As of tonight's final performance 66 languages mentioned in talk-backs:
Spanish, Thai, Korean, French, Gaelic, Ukrainian, Tagalog, Portuguese, Latvian, Hindi, German, Hungarian, Vietnamese, Kachchi (India), Arabic, Tlingit, Tamil (India), Greek, Cambodian, Swahili, Croatian, Pig-Latin, Lithuanian, Turkish, Lebanese, Finish, Hawaiian, Laotian, Amharic (Ethiopia), ASL, Bulgarian, Tibetan, Marathi (India), Urdu (Pakistan), Kannada (India), Nepalese, Norwegian, Malayalam (India), English, Bosnian, Navajo, Japanese, Russian, Hebrew, Czech, Danish, Romanian, Swedish, Mongolian, Tigrinya (North Africa), Farsi, Samoan, Somalian, Icelandic, Flemish, Dutch, Estonian, Berber, Latin, Telugu (India), Haitian, Serbian, Italian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Polish
It was a honor and a privilege and a pleasure to host this lovely show, and to discover the incredible linguistic diversity in our audience.
Remember, just one more week to see Pharaoh Serket and the Lost Stone of Fire. Next up: A Tale of Two Cities.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Adios, Tomás
Labels: Tomas