Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Braving the elements

There are those that believe the actor's life is a glamorous one, and there may be days when they are right. The day pictured below, our first PR photo shoot for The Hundred Dresses, was not one of those days.

We needed an action shot, which would have been nearly impossible to capture under direct lights in the theatre (the shadows wreak havoc). So, it had to be outside, and when the scheduled day arrived, the weather decided not to cooperate. We had to scrap the original site because it was too far from any shelter, and moved instead to one of our rooftop patios.

It was windy. And wet. And cold. Here our photographer, Chris Bennion, works with Betsy Schwartz, Sharia Pierce, Emily Cedergreen and Sarah Harlett. I believe Sharia's face tells the story pretty well.

And we simply aren't the kind of people that let actors suffer in solitude, and so we braved the elements along with them.

This is director Allison Narver's (left) first show with us. We nearly promised her that our outdoor shoots aren't always like this, until we remembered back to the washed-out High School Musical shoot in the fall.

The hardworking and patient cast diligently worked through take after take, playing 4-Square in a near-squall.

Production Assistant Deb Lyon may have been the smartest of us all, making a dash for the relative warmth of indoors.

The actor's life isn't always glamorous, and perhaps is only rarely so. But, they are a hardworking bunch, and game for just about anything. For them, "the show must go on" is more credo than cliche.

We hope you take the opportunity to reward that diligence, and enjoy the fruits of their labor, by coming to see The Hundred Dresses, which opens tomorrow night, February 22nd, 2008.