Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Here's Kiki!

Here's another look at one of SCT's outstanding Summer Season education interns! Here's what Kiki Abba has to say:

1. What led to your decision to intern with SCT?
This is probably the best program in the country for someone that wants to be a Teaching Artist, so the decision was easy!

2. Where are you from, and what did you study before coming here?
I’m from Dubuque Iowa, and I went to the University of Iowa and double majored in Theatre Arts and Communication Studies.

3. Why is theatre important to you personally?
Theatre is a great lens for viewing the world. It’s all about storytelling and there is something so human and universal about it. Once you get “the magic,” you’re hooked for life.

4. What do you feel you bring to SCT’s Summer Season program?
I think I bring a bit of “after college” experience and a lot of facial expressions.

5. What’s your most memorable experience so far as an intern here?
I did a solo mime skit today about eating ice cream. It was EPIC. The ice cream fell in the grass and I ate it anyway. There was a lot of picking grass out of my mouth. Yum.

6. What do you feel are the biggest challenges confronting you as an intern?
The biggest challenge is not getting completely jealous that I’m not in RENT: School Edition. No day but today.

7. What part of this internship are you looking forward to the most?
I’m excited to be working on Alice in Wonderland and learning how to tape a set and track props. It’ll be fun to be on the other side of the tech table.

8. What is your specific job as an intern this summer – specifically,
what shows or age groups will you be working with the closest?
I’ll be doing Alice, a lot of Acting classes with high schoolers and a few toddler Creative Drama classes. I like to mix it up and keep ‘em guessing.

9. What do you feel is the most valuable thing you’ve learned so far as an intern here?
That a surprising number of people have a peanut allergy and I’m afraid to ever eat a Reeses again. I don’t want to kill someone.

10. What are your plans for the future?
I’m going to be the Audience Development Associate at Seattle Rep and I hope to continue working wit6h SCT in any way I can!